Share Your Insights in My Google Ads Research Survey for Small Businesses!

Hello, I’m Stacey, and I specialise in Google Ads. With more than ten years of experience, I've assisted numerous businesses in reaching their objectives through effective Google Ads campaigns. During that time, it's become clear that some small businesses often face challenges in launching and/or managing their ads.

Google Ads Work!

I firmly believe in the effectiveness of Google Ads and am passionate about helping every business increase its visibility and growth through strategic ad placements. As a result I'm conducting a short survey to gather insights on your experiences with Google Ads. The aim is to strive to understand and address the unique challenges faced by small businesses regarding Google Ads. I can only do this with your feedback.  

The findings from the survey will be instrumental in developing a set of resources designed to assist small businesses in achieving success through Google Ads campaigns. This will enable you to maximise your marketing investments and achieve better outcomes with your Google Ads campaigns.

Your responses will remain confidential and are used exclusively for enhancing support to the small business community. As a thank you, if you want to leave your email address, you can receive early access to the survey findings and the resources developed from the insights.

If you would like to complete the survey, please click the button below.

Stacey Pledge Google Ads Specialist

About Stacey Pledge

I'm a Google Ads Specialist helping clients across the UK, Europe and the US get the best from their Google Ads campaigns and reach their business goals.

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