Google Chrome Extensions: 10 Recommendations

If you use Google Chrome and are not using extensions, then you're potentially missing out on ways to boost your productivity. Google Chrome extensions are small programs that you can install to enhance your browsing experience and provide numerous additional features and tools that are not built into Chrome by default. 

In this blog, I'll explore the benefits of using Google Chrome extensions and how to use them effectively. 

What are Google Chrome extensions?

Extensions can be installed from the Chrome Web Store, which is home to thousands of free and paid extensions. You can find extensions that do everything from blocking ads and tracking cookies to increasing your productivity and improving your online security. And, of course, it's not all about work there are also games and music extensions. 

Why Use Chrome Extensions

Many software programs have a Chrome extension that enable you to work more efficiently, providing additional functionality and improving your productivity. Software like LastPass works better using the Chrome extension. 

Put simply extensions make your working life online easier.

Security Issues

While Chrome extensions can be incredibly useful, they can also pose security risks if they're not properly checked. Don't assume that just because it's been added to the Chrome store, it's safe to use. Before installing any extension, make sure to read reviews from other users, check the developer's reputation, and ensure that the extension is from a reputable source.  

Trello, for example, doesn't have a Google Chrome extension, but many extensions available in the Chrome store have been designed for Trello but by other developers. 

If you're not sure, only install extensions from known software companies. 

10 Recommended Extensions

  1. Grammarly: this extension checks your grammar and spelling as you type, ensuring that your written communication is clear and error-free.
  2. LastPass: this extension securely stores all your passwords, so you don't have to remember them all. This software actually works better when you use the extension. 
  3. Awesome Screen Shot: really useful extension for screenshots, recording and image annotation.
  4. Momentum: replaces your Chrome wallpaper with a mix of more beautiful landscape pictures, productivity tools, a to-list and quotes. 
  5. Eye Dropper: not an extension for everyone, but really useful when you need it. Allows you to pick colours from web pages and identify hex, hsl and rgb codes. 
  6. Reader View: strips away clutter like buttons, background images from websites. You can change the page's text size, contrast and layout for better readability.
  7. Social Media: help to manage multiple accounts, schedule posts, and improve the overall user experience. Examples of popular social media extensions include Hootsuite, Buffer, and TweetDeck.
  8. Speechify: text to speech software available as a chrome extension
  9. Screencastify: do you need to record a video from a website tab that you have open, then this is the extension. 
  10. Web Clippers: allow you to capture and save content from the internet directly to your personal digital library or note-taking app. The main ones are Evernote, Notion and OneNote.

Google Chrome extensions are powerful tools that can enhance your browsing experience and improve your productivity. With thousands of extensions available in the Chrome Web Store, there's something for everyone.

Stacey Pledge Google Ads Specialist

About Stacey Pledge

I'm a Google Ads Specialist helping clients across the UK, Europe and the US get the best from their Google Ads campaigns and reach their business goals.

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