Being a freelance PPC and SEO Manager allows me to work remotely from any location (with internet access) so I thought it would be good to create a series of blogs (this being the first) detailing the various locations I work in. The aim of the blogs are to share with others who maybe interested in working remotely the ups and downs, also promoting some of the amazing places I get to work in and some of the great people I meet along the way!
I have been self-employed for many years and did not realise how much I enjoyed the freedom it can give you until a couple of years ago, I took some time out and got myself an ‘employed position’. It was with an amazing company and a great role but every day I felt like a caged bird seeing the same view from my window, day in day out and then the weekend and then back to the same desk, chair and view – my feet were itching! I knew the job itself was not the issue, I realised that it was going to the same location every day that was getting me down so I decided to make a change.
I started to research, trying to find people with similar feelings as mine and came across the term ‘Digital Nomad’ and it kind of fitted what I was looking for but I do like having a home to come back to, so I kept researching. Finally, I started reading a book by Paul Dolan called ‘Happiness by Design’ and he described designing your life to incorporate a healthy balance of pleasure and purpose. I understood that working in a job that I loved gave me the purpose I needed but working in different locations and meeting different people would give me pleasure – so here I am doing exactly that!
It’s not all perfect and there are times when you miss the security employment can give you but for now I would not trade my freedom to choose where I do my work for anything. My remote working so far has taken me to many locations within the UK including my home city of Exeter, London and down to the Dorset Coast! I plan to build up my travelling miles and work more outside the UK particularly Spain and have been learning Spanish for 3 years. I have recently worked in Madrid and will put together a blog on my experience very soon.