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Gift Card Exchange PPC Case Study

Increase in sales
Increase in conversion rate
Increase in online revenue

About the client

Cardyard is an online E-commerce platform that allows people to release the value in their gift cards. It does this by converting them into cash or gift cards and also sells gift cards at discount prices.


A popular UK gift card exchange company approached Pledge Consultancy Ltd to help them get on top of their paid advertising activity. Cardyard had a feeling their paid advertising efforts were working but did not have the visibility to know for sure, so I needed to get better clarity for the client.


First of all, I carried out a thorough PPC audit to see the areas working great for the client and areas not performing as desired. A few things cropped up, but one major issue was that the tracking of conversions was not fully implemented and fed through to their Analytics software. The ad campaigns themselves were okay but restrained and hemmed in, which went against the businesses growth aims. However, with a restructure focused on the account's growth, the client has seen much better results.


The results have been much more clarity for the client – they know that paid advertising is a key contributor to their marketing activities. This gives them confidence where to spend hard earned marketing budget. Also, with a focus on growth, the clients brand awareness has increased with new customers every day finding them and signing up – fantastic results!



Business objectives can and do change; therefore, so must advertising campaigns. This means it's essential to make sure everything is aiming for the same target.

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